
Personell Policy
Whenever the Organization is in need of a person the following procedure is engaged:
*Announcement is made through the local newspapers.
*Questionnaires are prepared for the candidates accordingly.
*Selection is made from those who apply for the vacant post through written and oral interview.
*Update training is given to the selected candidate(s).
*STA (Short term assignment) is prepared for the new candidate (s) this lasts for two months full salary.
*After the two months if the candidate appears efficient and employment deserving he/she has to sign a full employment contract but the duration salary, allowance sort of duty being assigned for.
*Job description is given to the worker.
*Salary is paid at the end of the month.
*An individual file is maintained at the HR Department of the Company for each Employee.
*Any inconvenience of duty performance is passed to the top leadership in the form of hierarchy.
*The worker has to speak for his/her rights.
*The worker has a right to resign and ask for his/her rights.
*Contract is signed each time a former worker is being renewed.
Operational Policy
All operations conducted by the Company have followed operational policies and procedures which are:-
o Project identification.
o Feasibility studies and baseline data surveys.
o Dealing with concerned bodies/organization.
o Development of business plan and design of the project.
o Approval of the project.
o Implementation of the project.
o Monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
Vehicle Management Policy
Vehicle policies regards only to the vehicles hired for the companies activities and they are categorized into two sections:-

(I) Section A of vehicle Management Policy

This applies to the vehicle hired for the regular operations of the Company, these are vehicles rented for the staff and projects going on, and they can stay with the Company for long/Short period, this regards to the life of the project of which the vehicles are rented for.

(II) Section B of vehicle management policy

This applies to the vehicles rented on temporary basis for section A. The vehicle has to be:-
*In good condition and efficient for the required purpose.
*Ready for work.
*Complying with the vehicle management policy and Government licensing registration.
*Can travel for any required time.
*Has to accept termination if the required points are not maintained.

Procurement Policy
Whenever there is need of purchase there should be certain policy governing and organization procurement process. The document maintained for the procurement policy include:-
*Biding forms
*Purchase Order
*Purchase request form
*Acknowledgement form
*Return Forms
Documentation Policy
In the documentation, the Company has the following policies.
o The documents of the Umbrella are part of the Company asset.
o There should be an authorized access to the Company.
o There are separate files for each category of the document of the Company.
o A record of the document in and out of the Company record in a manner of reference.
Financial Policy
For financial policy there is a certain policy adapted to process the financial records of the organization. Some of the essential documents maintained by the Company include:
o Inventory Ledger book
o Receipts
o Staff payroll
o Vehicle payroll
o Office payroll
o Acknowledgement forms
o Purchase verification forms
o Loan Request form
o Prepay (in advance pay) request form
o Monthly expenditure book
o Budget Book
o Pending funds book
o Invoices and Delivery notes
o Good Received Note
o Vehicle log sheet
Asset Policy
The asset policy deals with records of everything owned by the Company (nonspendable) the policy highlights that everything owned by the Company has to be recorded in orderly manner to avoid misappropriation, loss or damage therefore, the asset of the Company is kept in an inventory ledger in different sets of column expressing date of delivery, set of items, purpose of delivery, pin number, date of
dispatch, signature of authorization etc.

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